Enclose a brief statement explaining your reasons for the nomination.
Please include the following information about your nominee:
  • - education
  • - memberships in professional and community organization
  • - any special recognitions

The nominator is responsible for supplying a recent detailed resume and supporting documentation for the nominee and contact information such as address, phone number and email address.
EMAIL TO: jbrown1098@aol.com
mail to EESASHOF : PO Box 3101, Fayetteville, NC 28302

All nomination forms must be emailed or received on or before August 10th, 2024 to be considered for the Class of 2025

You are only permitted to nominate ONE individual per year.

Eligibility, Criteria, & Special Nominations
An athlete becomes eligible 10 years after graduation from EES, (i.e., 2008 grad for 2018 induction). Must be an EES graduate. (See Special Nominations below). The nominee must have demonstrated athletic ability, sportsmanship, character, leadership, contribution to the team and the games he/she participated in. A similar standard of ethics shall have characterized the years following their time at EES to the best of the nominator’s knowledge. The nominee must have been recognized as All-State, All-Conference, by an individual or team championship, by a record or winning streak, as league leader in a recognized statistical category, college scholarship, etc. Achievements should be on record and documented by copies of news clippings, yearbooks, certificates of awards, etc. All-star teams, tournaments, and awards were less common in earlier eras and documentation of achievements might not exist, especially for older nominees. This would be taken into consideration.
Committee may also consider post-graduate activities including college and professional experience.

Any coach with at least seven (7) years coaching experience at EES is eligible (the Committee may make exceptions as to years of experience in unique, special circumstances). The nominee must be inactive. Accomplishments (individual or teams) must have merited league and/or statewide recognition, as well as have made significant contributions to the athletic programs at EES. Coaching ability, loyalty to EES, leadership, character, athletic expertise, significant contribution to their teams and to the sports they coached must have been demonstrated. The same ethical and life standards expected of his/her athletes shall characterize the life of the coach.

Championship teams having attained record status.

An individual who has made outstanding contributions to the interscholastic athletic programs at E.E. Smith High School other than by coaching or playing. Demonstrated exceptional leadership, character, loyalty to EES and the passion for, and support of, the success of Golden Bulls athletics is paramount.
The E. E. Smith Alumni Sports Hall of Fame reserves the right to remove any individual from the Hall of Fame for personal conduct, which reflects discredit upon the school.

Special Nominations
Under unique circumstances, the Hall of Fame Committee can waive the number of years requirement and or graduation requirement with a two-thirds majority vote of the committee. The following athletes, coaches, teams, and sport contributor candidates shall be eligible for nomination:
  • Inducted into any National Hall of Fame or set a world record
  • Participated in the Olympics or World Games representing the United States of America
  • Has participated in the Olympics, World Games, representing the USA.
  • Played for or won a championship on an amateur national team or as an individual or as a member of a professional championship team such as:
    • Major League Baseball
    • National Basketball Association
    • National Football League
    • Professional Golf Association
    • Professional Tennis Association
    • Women’s National Basketball Association
Nomination Form
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